submit your own videos and photos to the site.

Videos: 36
Photos: 39
Space Used: 9.4MB

So you want to submit your own stuff eh?

Here are some guidelines that you must follow:
[*]Please label your files using the trick names being done.
[*]If sending a movie file please do not send quicktime files.
[*]Please do not edit anything such as music into videos.
[*]Please include your first name and last initial.

Follow these directions carefully to submit:
[*]Send an email to
[*]Put the title as "Content submission".
[*]Next,attach all video and photo files that you wish to submit.
[*]Finally,send the email.

*Your name is required so that you can be added to the rider list.
**it may be 1-2 days before the submitted content is shown.
All valid content will be accepted if the guidelines have been followed.
If you do neglect any required fields,i will attempt to reply and inform you.
Should my attempt fail,the submission will be ignored.